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  • Writer's pictureRyder Supply Chain Solutions

How do I calculate Linear Feet? (USA)

What is a linear foot?

1 linear foot equals to 12 inches. It includes the full width and height of a trailer. One 53 ft trailer measures 98 inches in width, 104 inches in height and 630 inches in length.

The formula to calculate your linear feet is:

  1. Divide the width of the pallet (in inches) between the width of the trailer.

  2. Round down answer.

  3. Divide the total number of pallets by this number.

  4. Divide this number by the stack quantity. (If not stackable, divide by 1)

  5. Round up answer

  6. Multiply the length of the pallet (in inches) between the previous answer.

  7. Divide this number by 12, and you’ll have the shipment’s linear feet.

  8. Repeat this calculation using the pallet length and confirm with the most optimal solution between the two options.

For instance, if you have 10 standard size pallets stackable by one, the calculation would be: Width: Step 1) 100/40 = 2.5 Step 2) Round down (2.5) =2 Step 3) 10/2= 5 Step 4) 5/2 =2.5 (If not stackable, divide by 1) Step 5) Round up (2.5)= 3 Step 6) 3*48=144 Step 7) 144/12 = 12 ft6 Length: Step 1) 100/48 = 2.08 Step 2) Round down (2.08) =2 Step 3) 10/2= 5 (If not stackable, divide by 1) Step 4) 5/2 =2.5 Step 5) Round up (2.5)= 3 Step 6) 3*40=120 Step 7) 120/12 = 10 ft --------> Optimal answer

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